Results 1 - 16 of 16 results out of about 3440 pages. (0.50 seconds)

FortuneCookies . . . 3 matches
...Here are few hints for new users, or users that don't like to read the manual: ## FortuneCookies on this page is a self-linked link. It's not a link when it is quoted. ## To solve...

1.1k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

名言警句 . . . 3 matches
...`RandomQuote`宏随机地从FortuneCookies网页中的列表中选取一项。在中文版本中我们使用`RandomQuote(名言警句)`从本页的列表中随机地选取一项。参见[[帮助-宏]]. * 编辑[[名言警句]]页,加入一些名言警句,然后可以从列表中随机地选取一个名言警句显示在这里。 * 小技巧: 在您的网页的开始设定{{{#langu...

0.5k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInTraditionalChineseGroup . . . 3 matches
...ndBox (<<DateTime(2006-02-08T02:53:24Z)>>) * [[操作秘笈]] * WikiTipOfTheDay (現有內容來自 FortuneCookies,需重新翻譯) * [[中文/WikiWikiWeb]] * WikiWikiWeb (2005-12-28 23:00:00) * WhyWikiWork...

8.1k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

PrzypadkoweMądrości . . . 2 matches
...kowy cytat) wybiera losowo jedną spośród mądrości wymienionych w liście na stronie FortuneCookies. Poprzez dodanie parametru można zlecić wybieranie cytatów z innej strony, na przy...

1.2k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

PiškotiUsode . . . 2 matches
...rešite to težavo, spremenite format na [:XXXX:XXXX]. * Nasvet: Spremenite stran [[FortuneCookies]] za prikaz naključno izbrane modrosti na tem mestu. * Nasvet: Nastavite jezik s...

1.2k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

WikiGününİpucu . . . 1 match for multiple words, just like Google. See also HelpOnSearching. * Edit the FortuneCookies page to display randomly selected wisdom on a page where the `[[RandomQuote()]]` m...

3.6k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInUkrainianGroup . . . 1 match
...* МоінМоін/ФорматуванняТексту * MoinMoin/TextFormatting * ВипадковіПідказки * FortuneCookies Сторінки довідки: * ДовідкаЗміст * HelpContents * ДовідкаДляАдміністраторів ...

10.7k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInSimplifiedChineseGroup . . . 1 match
...oin * [[简体中文MoinMoin/文本排版]] * (./) MoinMoin/TextFormatting * [[名言警句]] * (./) FortuneCookies == 帮助网页 == * [[帮助目录]] * (./) HelpContents * [[帮助-新手入门]] * (./) HelpForBegin...

8.8k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInRomanianGroup . . . 1 match
...kiWikiWeb * WhyWikiWorks * XsltVersion * MoinMoin * MoinMoin/TextFormatting * FortuneCookies help pages: * [[Ajutor]] * HelpForBeginners * HelpForDevelopers * HelpIndex ...

3.8k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInPersianGroup . . . 1 match
... * SystemInfo * WikiHomePage * WikiSandBox * WikiTipOfTheDay * XsltVersion * FortuneCookies صفحات راهنما: * HelpContents * HelpForAdministrators * HelpForBeginners * Hel...

5.4k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInFinnishGroup . . . 1 match
...Version * MoinMoinWiki * MoinMoin * MoinMoin/TextFormatting * OnnenKeksit * FortuneCookies help pages: * OhjeSisältö * HelpContents * OhjeYlläpitäjille * HelpForAdmin...

9.0k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInEnglishGroup . . . 1 match
... * SystemInfo * WikiHomePage * WikiSandBox * WikiTipOfTheDay * XsltVersion * FortuneCookies help pages: * HelpContents * HelpForAdministrators * HelpForBeginners * HelpF...

5.6k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInCzechGroup . . . 1 match
... looks like duplicate of SyntaxReference, ignore it for now * KolackyStesteny * FortuneCookies -- 20071204 12:00 : everithing above was updated according it´s master pages Tran...

4.8k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInCroatianGroup . . . 1 match
...kiWikiWeb * WhyWikiWorks * XsltVersion * MoinMoin * MoinMoin/TextFormatting * FortuneCookies help pages: * HelpContents * HelpForBeginners * HelpForDevelopers * HelpInde...

4.8k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

SystemPagesInBrazilianPortugueseGroup . . . 1 match
...ikiWikiWeb * WhyWikiWorks * VersãoXslt * MoinMoin * MoinMoin/FormatoDeTexto * FortuneCookies * PorQueWikiFunciona * WikiMoinMoin * WikiMoinMoin/DocumentosDeInstalação * Wi...

4.2k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0

HjælpTilMakroer . . . 1 match
...tilfældigt citat fra en given side, eller fra `LykkeKager` hvis udeladt (eller fra FortuneCookies, afhængigt af opsætning) || <<RandomQuote>> || ||<-3>{{{[[Include(HelloWorld[,"hea...

11.5k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 0